上一主题:FRM validate工作经验的问题
下一主题:关于FRM 会员费自动取消
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FRM报名付费问题,paid or received 官方邮件

昨天报名支付之后收到garp的邮件,里面有这样一段:Payment must be received or postmarked no later than the *Early Registration Deadline of Jul 31, 2012. If your payment is received or postmarked after the end of your registration period deadline, you will be charged the rate effective when your payment is received. That is either the Standard or Late Registration Fee, in which case you will be required to make an additional payment. In order for your registration to be considered complete and based on Early Registration rates, please submit your payment promptly.


上一主题:FRM validate工作经验的问题
下一主题:关于FRM 会员费自动取消