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工作内容 以下是CFA®常见的职业及相关工作内容- 1.Registered Investment Advisor, Stockbroker, and Retail Banking: financial analysts in these roles work with individual investors helping them achieve their financial goals. They recommend to their clients financial plans involving various products such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, mortgages, and insurance.

2.Research Analyst: financial analysts working in this capacity research companies or industries to determine if they are good investments. Mutual fund managers and stockbrokers use this information in picking stocks for the mutual fund or for recommending stocks to their clients. Pension plans and corporations with excess cash also utilize this information for investment purposes. An example of an entry-level position for a Research Analyst would be working for a mutual fund company or a pension plan.

3.Investment Banker: the financial analyst works with other firms and governments/agencies that bring new stock and bond offerings to the market, and facilitates mergers between companies.

4.Portfolio Manager for a mutual fund or pension plan: the financial analyst in this position determines which investments should comprise the fund or pension plan. This is a senior level position commanding some of the highest incomes for financial analysts.

5.Director of Marketing: a financial analyst working in this position typically works for a financial management company, such as a mutual fund, and is responsible for the company's communications to investors and for business development.

6.Other examples: Real Estate Consulting - the financial analyst determines the current and future values of real estate projects; Auditor - the financial analyst works for a regulatory agency or a broker/dealer and audits branch offices for compliance with business standards and adherence to ethical guidelines; Writer - the financial analyst works for an investment newsletter; Arbitrator - the financial analyst works for a regulatory agency that settles lawsuits between brokers and investors.


薪资收入 AIMR® 於2001年的调查报告显示: 在美国从事於投资顾问的平均年收入为美金$197,000。而拥有CFA®特许证照,并超过10以上工作经验的投资顾问,将比没有CFA®特许证照且有相同工作资历投资顾问的年薪平均高出25%。 投资管理人员任职於共同基金资产管理的年薪比任职於银行、退休方案计划、退休金谘询顾问等机构相似的人员高出37%。   以上的文章摘自於 AIMR® and Russell Reynolds Associates' Survey Reveals Investment Managers' Compensation Varies Significantly by Gender, Job Function and Location。 

