Iteration Residual SS B1 B2 B3
1 28327193463 8500.00000 1.00000000 1.50000000
1.1 14333434800 80175.3427 .739240551 1.50000000
2 14333434800 80175.3427 .739240551 1.50000000
2.1 3.8505E+11 194572.013 .006502086 -.21629077
2.2 800135019.6 83185.8046 .842994797 1.19852430
3 800135019.6 83185.8046 .842994797 1.19852430
3.1 12857378788 81201.8322 1.01579267 1.42927791
3.2 550558275.1 85774.2528 .850493197 1.21433127
4 550558275.1 85774.2528 .850493197 1.21433127
4.1 205793117.6 90637.3496 .859429212 1.25276932
5 205793117.6 90637.3496 .859429212 1.25276932
5.1 49937888.65 92251.6832 .905992700 1.33942536
6 49937888.65 92251.6832 .905992700 1.33942536
6.1 438492814.3 83503.5809 .966421043 1.46365602
6.2 14165723.65 91420.4568 .909112694 1.36083115
7 14165723.65 91420.4568 .909112694 1.36083115
7.1 8227661.248 89440.0706 .923463315 1.38898940
8 8227661.248 89440.0706 .923463315 1.38898940
8.1 17416856.86 85916.5498 .948299986 1.45005498
8.2 4600297.866 88467.6768 .930296397 1.40797724
9 4600297.866 88467.6768 .930296397 1.40797724
9.1 2761649.685 86538.9357 .943736707 1.44419408
10 2761649.685 86538.9357 .943736707 1.44419408
10.1 644830.0765 85633.9620 .949714917 1.46896660
11 644830.0765 85633.9620 .949714917 1.46896660
11.1 475140.3684 85680.9561 .949325567 1.46898044
12 475140.3684 85680.9561 .949325567 1.46898044
12.1 475135.4265 85679.2273 .949338713 1.46903683
13 475135.4265 85679.2273 .949338713 1.46903683
13.1 475135.4262 85679.2477 .949338590 1.46903640
Run stopped after 30 model evaluations and 13 derivative evaluations.
Iterations have been stopped because the relative reduction between successive
residual sums of squares is at most SSCON = 1.000E-08
Nonlinear Regression Summary Statistics Dependent Variable Y
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square
Regression 3 37121583327.6 12373861109.2
Residual 6 475135.42624 79189.23771
Uncorrected Total 9 37122058463.0
(Corrected Total) 8 2823635793.56
R squared = 1 - Residual SS / Corrected SS =.99983
Asymptotic 95 %
Asymptotic Confidence Interval
Parameter Estimate Std. Error Lower Upper
B1 85679.247671 383.76368720 84740.211757 86618.283585
B2 .949338590 .002336270 .943621944 .955055236
B3 1.469036403 .008908976 1.447236923 1.490835883
Asymptotic Correlation Matrix of the Parameter Estimates
B1 B2 B3
B1 1.0000 -.9245 -.8880
B2 -.9245 1.0000 .9902
B3 -.8880 .9902 1.0000