Ⅷ.混合综合指数法: 1. 混合综合指数法所用程序文件 *Hospital evaluation by 9 methods; Filename: 9MethodsHos-8.sps. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------. *Method-8: Compex Comprehensive Index Method:. *Kang Xue-Gui: CHN Handbook of Health Mornitering Statistics Report (M), Beijing: CHN Science Techn. Publishing House, 1996, 194:.
GET FILE='c:spsssav9methodsHos.sav'. *The variables are made into the same trend (high good); So, the following "i=100-i" is high good:. COMPUTE i=100-i.
*The "W" (of each index): 9 index, 1/9=0.1111:. *When high-better, Xi/Standard; When low-better, Standard/Xi; The standard =MEAN:. DESCRIPTIVES VARIABLES=a b c d e f g h i /STATISTICS=MEAN.
COMPUTE ia=a/75.8400. COMPUTE ib=b/99.0000. COMPUTE ic=c/80.7780. COMPUTE id=d/75.0080. COMPUTE ie=e/88.9640. COMPUTE if=f/98.6000. COMPUTE ig=g/89.6680. COMPUTE ih=h/92.2980. COMPUTE ii=i/92.4960.
COMPUTE iaa=0.1111*(ia**2). COMPUTE ibb=0.1111*(ib**2). COMPUTE icc=0.1111*(ic**2). COMPUTE idd=0.1111*(id**2). COMPUTE iee=0.1111*(ie**2). COMPUTE iff=0.1111*(if**2). COMPUTE igg=0.1111*(ig**2). COMPUTE ihh=0.1111*(ih**2). COMPUTE iii=0.1111*(ii**2). COMPUTE y=SQRT(iaa+ibb+icc+idd+iee+iff+igg+ihh+iii).
*The highest "Y" is the best point:. RANK /VARIABLES=y(D) /RANK INTO No. FORMATS No(F3.0). SORT CASESE BY No(A). FORMATS y(F6.3). LIST VARIABLES=hos y No /FORMAT=NUMBERED /CASES=FROM 1 TO 5. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. 2. 混合综合指数法的计算方法、步骤 与加权线性综合指数法和乘法合成综合指数法类似,计算综合指数Y : Y=(Σ(Wj(Xij’/ Mean(Xj))2))0.5 Wj 为各指标的权数;Xij’ 为经过相对化处理后的实际值;Mean(Xj) 为各指标的均数;Y为用于评价该评价单元的综合指数。 3. 混合综合指数法的评价结果 运行程序文件后可算出各医院的综合指数 Y, 综合指数越大说明该医院的感染管理质量越好,5 家医院从好到差依次为 T—R—S—Q—P,见表 5-2。 --------------------------------------- HOS Y NO --------------------------------------- 1 T 1.054 1 2 R 1.047 2 3 S 1.019 3 4 Q 0.960 4 5 P 0.927 5 --------------------------------------- |