2007年的notes 第一册 Statistical Concepts and Market Returns
Chebyshev's inequality:
For any set of observations, whether sample or population data and regardless of the shape of the distribution, the percentage of the observations that lie within k standard deviations of the mean is at least 1-1/k^2 for all k > 1.
这个不等式定义中,我不明白红色部分什么意思。standard deviation 只是个标量值,k standard deviation实际意义 是什么呢?如果有两个分布,一个的标准差可能是5,一个可能是100,那么2个标准差指的是什么呢?
在谈到skewness的时候,这么说到: For a symmetrical distribution, the mean, median, and mode are equal.